Friday, June 12, 2009

access websites if domin name and ip are blocked

Some times the domain name and the domain IP address of websites blocked in your School or work Firewall. Some times the ISP blocks some websites for its users. You might be in a situation where you cannot use proxy services or even them are blocked on your network. You can still access those websites without typing the domain name or the domain IP address. The method is:

am here demonstrating this method by accessing This method will work for any other websites but for the beginners google is the best option.

1. Find the IP address of

To find the IP address of follow the steps below.

1. Go to command prompt and type


2. The IP address of will be displayed

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Access websites if domain name and IP are blocked

Some times the domain name and the domain IP address of websites blocked in your School or work Firewall. Some times the ISP blocks some websites for its users. You might be in a situation where you cannot use proxy services or even them are blocked on your network. You can still access those websites without typing the domain name or the domain IP address. The method is:

Steps to access blocked websites with simple mathematics

am here demonstrating this method by accessing This method will work for any other websites but for the beginners google is the best option.

1. Find the IP address of

To find the IP address of follow the steps below.

1. Go to command prompt and type


2. The IP address of will be displayed

By sijugk

2. Covert the Decimal form of IP address to binary

To convert the decimal form to binary I recommend you to take the assistance of a scientific calculator.

Here the IP address of google is and it will be converted to the set of octects.

74 = 01001010

125 = 01111101

45 = 00101101

100= 01100100

Please make sure that it is a set of actects by adding 0 infront of the binary number where it cannot match 8 bits in the set.

So finally will become;


3. Take the sum of total

To perform this step we need to remove the dots between the octets. So the binay number will look like:


To convert this number to decimal we get 1249717604

4. Type the decimal number on the address bar

Now we need to type the decimal number on the address bar of Internet Explorer as in the format http://1249717604 and it will be redirected to

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